
Qoovia Corporation (Hong Kong) Limited

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Qoovia Corporation (Hong Kong) Ltd.is a Hong Kong  registered company with offices in Hong Kong and China. We  specialize in ultrasonic technology. Our engineers have years of perience in  ultrasonic applications including Plastic Welding, Metal Welding, Ultrasonic  Cutting, Automatic Screw Driving and Horn / Fixture Design & Manufacturing. Our  specialties also include Spin Welding, Staking,  Heat  Staking and Customize Automation Solutions.

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Since its inception in 1969, Sonics & Materials, Inc. has enjoyed over 40 years of world leadership in the fields of ultrasonic welding and plastics assembly, as well as ultrasonic food cutting.
Sonics products include Ultrasonic, Vibration, Spin, Hot Plate, & Heat Staking equipment for the welding, joining and fastening of thermoplastic components, textiles and other synthetic materials.
Ultrasonic products include 40KHz, 30KHz, 20KHz, and 15KHz microprocessor controlled ultrasonic welders. Available at various wattages.